194 adventure games with great interactive stories mixed with puzzle-solving make for some great fun!
Too much to choose from? To the right you'll find our three most popular adventure games! Or dig deep into our archives below...
Who here remembers lemmings? I sure do...Save all the wooglings…
This army of aliens, robots and monsters wants to get its…
A great point and click adventure game, where you have…
In this game it's your task to escape the planet you crashed…
A foul demon has overtaken the island of Reverie and enslaved…
In this game you will be doing your best to fing your way…
Your task in this awesome adventure dress up avoidance…
Your brother Berlin has been captured by the dastardly…
Take good care of your cute pets the kitten, puppy and…
Samurai Sam needs to take revenge on the dark Ninja! But…
This game is an escape game. You have woken up in a freezer…
You're dropped straight into the deep end with this game,…
Play this fun version of the classic game Breakout and…
This is a flash version of the role-playing game Final…
The storyline is great, it's got a marvelous name (from…
From the makers of a Case of Crabs, this new adventure…
Play the second installment of the Merlin's Revenge series…
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