Home > Puzzle Games

The Company of Myself

The Company of Myself is an excellent puzzle game very similar to Chronotron and Use Boxmen. Control your grumpy little hermit and try to escape each level using copies of yourself to jump on and more!

Author: 2DArray Hits: 20,727
Date: 27th November 2009 Rating:


It’s about a robot that goes back in time for some reason. Use your time machine…

Civiballs 2

Civiballs 2

The awesome puzzle game Civiballs is back with part two! A great physics puzzle…

Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever is a fun puzzle game where you use all three characters to…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play The Company of Myself


R to reset the level. P or Escape to pause. Volume controls are in pause menu.