Nice touch with the LEVEL EDITOR, it’s another game in its own right, create your own levels and share them with friends to get the best rating and the highest rank in the Gallery." /> The Chase | Game Garage

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The Chase

An amazing platform/puzzler game based on the hugely successful Intel "The Chase" video. Playing as Eva, you need to protect the package from the bad guys as you race across the world of your PC. Yup that’s right you are playing in a world of browsers, windows, desktops, games and there is even a bit of ASCII art thrown in.

Nice touch with the LEVEL EDITOR, it’s another…

Author: Naked Penguin Boy Hits: 38,819
Date: 5th May 2011 Rating:
Rooftop Raiser

Rooftop Raiser

A game for cancer research, the aim of the game is to reach the end of all 3 runs…



VVVVVV is a great platform puzzle game similar to SHIFT, where your space station…

Level Editor

Level Editor

In this ingenious platform game, you can create the level as you play. Can't reach…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play The Chase


Left arrow to move left, right arrow to move right, up arrow to jump, down arrow to duck and space to jump. Easy peasy!

On some levels running and then clicking down will give you a nice slide under obstacles.On the LEVEL EDITOR its simply drag and drop to place elements, don’t forget each level has to have an exit door/portal and you can add the Intel Core i5 chip as an option key to open the portal.