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Survive 2012

So the world didn't end in 2012 like the Mayans said it would but this time you have full control of making sure this world doesn't come to an end. Survive 2012 is a different but addictive game where you must control the world and how it rotates so flying objects do not destroy our amazing planet. You will need to think fast as the asteroids come in all different directions Bruce Willis…

Author: Gamesonly Hits: 4,345
Date: 23rd January 2013 Rating:
World Defense

World Defense

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Agh Zombies

Agh Zombies

Ok maybe this one is a little late for Halloween 2009, but Agh Zombies is still…

Asteroids The Return

Asteroids The Return

A great clone the famous Asteroids game where you shoot the asteroids hurtling round…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Survive 2012


The mouse and keyboard are used to play this game