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Sorter Bob

The objective is to sort a certain amount of widgets in the time alloted. Matching the patterns onscreen gives you a score multiplier. Strike a balance between sorting the widgets and matching the patterns to increase your score.

Author: We Fiends Hits: 9,398
Date: 15th May 2008 Rating:
I Dont Even Know

I Dont Even Know

I Don't Even Know what to say about this game? If you remember The Impossible Quiz…

Obnoxius 2

Obnoxius 2

Control the orange and mirror image green squares through the platform maze and…



What i can only describe as ragdoll physics game re-made into something way better!…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Sorter Bob


Click to pick up the widgets and drag them to the matching pipes. You don't need to click again; the vacuum pipe will take the widget from the claw.