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Shape Switcher

Shape Switcher is a fun puzzle game where you have to change shape and colour in order to pass through doors and make your way to the exit. With 13 levels to play through, this should keep you amused for a while.

Author: Fupa Hits: 6,833
Date: 31st May 2009 Rating:
Two Rooms

Two Rooms

Two Rooms is a really confusing game, i got stuck on the fourth level! Its a puzzle…

Open Doors 2

Open Doors 2

In Open Doors 2 you are a square like little blob thing and your objective is to…



Get all three balls to the exit, opening locked doors and using teamwork (only one…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Shape Switcher


Arrow keys to move. Switch to the correct colour and shape to pass through doors.