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A third UFO game in under a week, but this one is different. It is very similar to games like Monkey Lander, where you have to fly round collecting things. But in RescUFO you have to collect keys to open doors and be able to rescue the lost alien.

Author: Cool buddy Hits: 18,549
Date: 14th June 2006 Rating:


Fire your arrows at the balloons floating in the sky, sometimes bouncing them off…

Escape Series #2 - The Closet

Escape Series #2 - The Closet

The second in the Escape Series has just been completed. This time your have to…

Totem Destroyer 2

Totem Destroyer 2

Totem Destroyer 2 is an amazing new game brought to you by newgrounds! A well made…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play RescUFO


Arrow keys to move, Space to drop alien.