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Prism-Light the Way

In Prism-Light the Way you have to use mirrors and other such random items to reflect, dodge and move the light so it shines into the correct places. It's much like Puzz Pinball exceot instead of a ball you are guiding, its beams of light and with even better graphics. There are loads of levels so you will not get bored!

Author: Gimme5Games Hits: 12,590
Date: 2nd August 2008 Rating:
Civiballs 2

Civiballs 2

The awesome puzzle game Civiballs is back with part two! A great physics puzzle…



What i can only describe as ragdoll physics game re-made into something way better!…

Obnoxius 2

Obnoxius 2

Control the orange and mirror image green squares through the platform maze and…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Prism-Light the Way


Move the mirrors and objects around as well as the light using the mouse.