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Paul & Percy

Paul & Percy love to drink their tea and eat their biscuits while drinking it, however a small situation has arisen! The biscuits have disappeared without a trace! If these two guys from the 5th dimension are ever to enjoy their daily ritual they are going to have to locate them! To do this they will need each other help to navigate the 5th dimension as it’s not quite the same as ours..…

Author: KipperDigital Hits: 4,486
Date: 9th August 2011 Rating:
Nyan Cat: Lost in Space

Nyan Cat: Lost in Space

Play as Nyan Cat, your task is to collect as many different foods as possible using…



VVVVVV is a great platform puzzle game similar to SHIFT, where your space station…

The I of It

The I of It

Your task in this game is to reunite the I to the T to make the IT of the game!…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Paul & Percy


Movement - Arrow Keys
Change Character - Space
Rewind - Z
Restart - R