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Norbert and the Robot

Welcome to Norbert and the Robot. In this game your skills will need to be used to help Norbert help his little robot friend save the family. Completing levels and solving puzzles will help you reach his family. Some levels will be more difficult than others but I am sure with your amazing puzzle completing skills you will be able to help Norbert’s robot friend. Good luck.

Author: Fatbomb Hits: 3,232
Date: 20th March 2013 Rating:
Robot Wants Ice Cream

Robot Wants Ice Cream

Time to help out the little robot again and help him get to his ice cream. Make…

Give Up, Robot

Give Up, Robot

Take control of this little robot and guide him through the colorful world. Get…

Robot Jim

Robot Jim

Quick! Aliens have taken over your space station! Use Robot Jim to beat them all…

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