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Mechanaught is a really fun platform shooter, where you play a robot who has escaped dismantlation. Work your way through the five levels shooting enemies and figuring out how to get to the portal.

Author: Cool buddy Hits: 10,929
Date: 15th September 2009 Rating:
Thing-Thing Arena 3

Thing-Thing Arena 3

The classic, the superb and the ultimate Thing Thing is back! Thing-Thing Arena…

Mercenaries 2

Mercenaries 2

Mercenaries 2 is a great shoot em up platform game much like the popular Intrusion…



Control the stick man by making him jump from platform to platform as he walks from…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Mechanaught


WAD to move. S to enter portal / use save points. Q and E to switch weapons. Mouse to aim and fire.