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Hero's Arms

Hero's Arms is a good-old Zelda-like adventure game. The game has a decent length if you want to complete everything in it, which should take around 20 to 25 hours! You'll need to defeat monsters along the way of the outside world to find dungeons where quest items are kept. You can upgrade your gear and your personal strength by leveling up and finding magic items.

Author: BerzerkStudio Hits: 18,386
Date: 23rd April 2009 Rating:
Zelda Quick Pic

Zelda Quick Pic

A memory game, it shows you where the cards are then you have to match each pair.

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Phantom Mansion: The Black Sea

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Hero RPG

Hero RPG

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Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Hero's Arms


Use the Arrows Keys (or W,A,S,D) to move around and navigate in the inventory screen. Space Bar to bring up the inventory, Z or N to attack, X or M to perform magical attack.