Home > Pinball Games

Hansen's Eyeball Pinball

I've finally got another pinball game to add to the site and this one promotes the World Cup song, Hansen's Eyebrows by The Turnstiles. A really good cross between a pinball game and footy!

Author: Matmi Hits: 153,739
Date: 18th May 2006 Rating:
Grand Slam Pinball

Grand Slam Pinball

A very good pinball game designed around a baseball pitch with lots of actions,…



Illuminati is a cool little pinball game for our high scores system. Much like any…

Hansen's Eyeball Pinball

Hansen's Eyeball Pinball

I've finally got another pinball game to add to the site and this one promotes the…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Hansen's Eyeball Pinball


Q and P for flippers, Space to kick up the ball.