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GemCraft Labyrinth

The latest installment in the series takes you to a huge labyrinth - 13x13 fields -, each playable in any combination of battle settings.
Unlock more settings and skills as you level up, raid tombs, slay apparitions and even some of the dreaded shadows!

Author: Game In A Bottle Hits: 13,390
Date: 17th May 2011 Rating:
Upgrade Complete 2

Upgrade Complete 2

In this game you will be buying everything, when we say everything we really mean…



Chaos and corruption swarms through the land, and you are one of the few wizards…

GemCraft Zero

GemCraft Zero

The sequel to the superb tower defence game GemCraft has arrived. Place different…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play GemCraft Labyrinth


To play this game you will need your MOUSE