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From Beyond

From Beyond is somewhat of a new style of game, it may be new but it’s also very fun to play. Your task is to help the greater being destroy what’s on the planet by flicking the items at the planet, if you get just the right angle you will cause massive amounts of damage causing your score to rise a lot! You get a couple of goes at destroying as much as possible, try to make each one…

Author: Armor Games Hits: 4,836
Date: 25th April 2011 Rating:
Flakboy 2

Flakboy 2

Cause as much pain as possible to Flakboy, each level has a target of pain to reach.…



Playing a truck driving maniac with a penchant for suburban destruction you embark…

Destroy the World

Destroy the World

Aliens think Earth is planning a massive attack on their planets using the 30,000…

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In this game you will need your MOUSE to control the objects that come from beyond.