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Flaming Zombooka 3 Carnival

Flaming Zombooka 3 Carnival is the next in epic shooter from Kongregate! Your about to take on a bunch of zombies using a bazooka, the physics engine of this game make this all the more fun to play. Are you ready to destroy and obliterate the zombies in each level?

Author: Kongregate Hits: 6,069
Date: 23rd December 2011 Rating:
Flaming Zombooka 3 Carnival

Flaming Zombooka 3 Carnival

Flaming Zombooka 3 Carnival is the next in epic shooter from Kongregate! Your about…

Flaming Zombooka

Flaming Zombooka

A physics game for real men, take your bazooka and wipe out the zombie hordes in…



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