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Epsilon must be one of the most advanced flash games i have ever played, the challenges are based around solving tasks using various fictional technologies discovered as the result of the LHC experiment, primarily wormhole manipulation. Other methods include gravity shift, time reversal, and general cognitive dexterity. AMAZINGLY COOL GAME! [Mike]

Author: Dissolute Production Hits: 41,493
Date: 12th June 2008 Rating:


A quick-playing little time-waster. Click on atoms to make'em grow. If an atom gets…

Lamb Chop Drop

Lamb Chop Drop

Play this fun game and help the Koko Digital boys to raise money for their sponsored…

Trigger Ball

Trigger Ball

Trigger Ball is a game which will make you think, you have to shoot only one ball…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Epsilon


In game Instructions