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Playing a truck driving maniac with a penchant for suburban destruction you embark on a mission of simple clarity: Destroy everything, salvage wreckage for money to upgrade your beasty truck, rinse and repeat.

Author: Ninja Kiwi Hits: 58,044
Date: 9th June 2010 Rating:
Big Truck Adventures 2

Big Truck Adventures 2

Big Truck Adventures 2 has nicely improved from the first including bugs being fixed…

Box10 Monster Racers

Box10 Monster Racers

Oh yes, another excellent 3D shockwave racing game. Brough to you this time by Box10,…

Buggy Run

Buggy Run

Buggy Run is a great new beat the time limit game. Like all the others there are…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Destructo-Truck