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ClickDragType 3

The third installment of ClickDragType has arrived with 15 completely different puzzles (including the prequels) and each with no instuctions, just click, drag and type to solve them. A great game for puzzle lovers everywhere.

Author: SimpleAndy Hits: 64,865
Date: 4th September 2006 Rating:
Civiballs 2

Civiballs 2

The awesome puzzle game Civiballs is back with part two! A great physics puzzle…

I Dont Even Know

I Dont Even Know

I Don't Even Know what to say about this game? If you remember The Impossible Quiz…



Great puzzle game with perfect physics where you have to bounce and roll your ball…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play ClickDragType 3


Click, Drag and Type your way through each puzzle.