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Bowja The Ninja

Bowja The Ninja is a classic old game which we realised we needed after the playing the sequal. Lead little Bowja the Ninja to victory by defeating the big Boss Robot! With near enough just as good graphics as the sequal your going to love this platform game.

Author: Pencilkids Hits: 38,458
Date: 11th September 2008 Rating:


Fast-paced platformer very much akin to Sonic the Hedgehog. Play as a demon and…



Who remembers Moss? And Moss 2? Well... they're not back, but the cousin of Moss…

When Pizzas Attack

When Pizzas Attack

Nice platform game where you play Papa Louie who has been attacked by pizza monsters…

Sorry you need Adobe Flash Player so that you can play Bowja The Ninja


Instructions on the left in the game.